Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good News in Massachusetts!

Well, if you happen to live in my original home state, the Bay State (GO RED SOX), I've got some good news for many of you who may have had sub-prime mortgages. The Mass Attorney General, Martha Coakley, announced that her office has obtained a nearly $102 Million settlement from Morgan Stanley due to their practices in the securitization and warehousing of sub-prime loans for such firms as New Century. Some of this settlement will go to homeowners to help them avoid foreclosure, while the rest will be split between the Massachusetts Pension Fund and the state's general fund. The breakdown is as follows: $58 million to over 1000 homeowners affected; $23 million to the pension fund to restore lost investment funds due to the sub-prime catastrophe; and the remainder, $19.5 million to the state's general fund. This last amount recovers lost taxpayer funds. Are you eligible for the homeowner reimbursement portion of this? Call the attorney general's office. Good luck!

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