Friday, October 29, 2010

A Few Things of Note

This week, the authorities in Florida announced that under Federal programs recently rolled out, they are commencing a program to assist unemployed homeowners keep their homes. Initially available only in Lee County, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation will take the program statewide early next year after reviewing its operation in the Lee County market.The initial Lee County 90 day program will be operated in two formats. One, the Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP) will provide full mortgage payments directly to the lenders in behalf of unemployed homeowners for up to 18 months. The second format, Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Program (MLRP) will help get homeowners already delinquent current on their loans if they have recently gotten employed. For info, check the Florida Housing Finance Corp.
Separately, if your mortgage is with Wells Fargo and you're facing foreclosure, demand a 'sitdown' with someone at Wells. Originally, Wells had commented that it was satisfied with its documentation review methodology and wasn't facing issues similar to those announced recently at Chase and BofA. Wells, consequently, didn't suspend any foreclosures. Now, Wells has issued a statement that while they feel all foreclosures are (and were) done properly, they have found "errors" in some notarizations of foreclosure-related documents and are going to submit new affidavits in all 55,000 cases where this occurred. They specifically said that the foreclosures involved are legitimate and they do not plan to suspend the foreclosures involved. These are in the 23 judicial foreclosure states. Check with your attorney if you have not done so to see if you may be involved.
For everyone facing this issue, as always, hope this helps and Good Luck.

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