Sunday, November 27, 2011

Good News From The Sunday Papers

One of my 60 year plus rituals is a nice relaxed breakfast Sunday mornings, while carefully perusing the Sunday papers. In the midst of all the reportage of wars, crime, protest, 'who-cares' gossip, pepper spray and protest, you sometimes find something truly GOOD! Sometimes. Today is one of those times!
There is a charitable foundation established and run by a financial services firm based in Minnesota called Gradient Gives Back. Each year since its founding, the program assists families that find themselves in deep financial trouble by paying their mortgage or lease for 12 months--a full year. In some cases, they will also provide free lifetime full financial service for the people they help.
As I have mentioned in many public comments, as well as my book, Save Your House From Foreclosure!, most folks at risk of foreclosure are not there because of financial profligacy or being deadbeats. Most of the folks hurting are in their situation because they were hit by one of the Deadly Four: Life, Wife, Health or Wealth. Somehow something in these major areas of their lives went south and, as a result, they find themselves in dire straits including possible loss of their homes to foreclosure. When it happens, often the homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages and so risk loss of the home to foreclosure.
When something like Gradient Gives Back shows up, it is refreshing to report. They don't have funds to help everyone out there, and they do have a limited period each year for those in need to apply for help. This year's applications are full, but 2012's will commence shortly. For more info, visit their website: , or call them at: (800) 407-4137.
As always, Good Luck.

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