Friday, December 21, 2007

Hello, again! I hope you're all finding this blog on foreclosures helpful. I wanted to provide some info to anyone who MAY be facing problems with their mortgage, but till has a little time before they actually face foreclosure. There are a number of credit counseling services, private and government that can offer advice and assistance in situations where you may be in default or worried about the possibility of foreclosure. As of December 6, 2007 there is a new government service that you can call at (888) 995-HOPE. It is supposed to assist homeowners who may find thewmselves in financial difficulty with their mortgage. It's new, so it may be too soon to tell how well it works.
Separately, both the National Foundation for Credit Counseling and the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies both have housing counselors to help you evaluate your situation and options that may exist. The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) also has a number of counselling agencies it will recommend if yhou call: (800) 569-4287. If your loan is a VA loan, call (800) 827-1000.
Some private counseling or assistance agedncies are: ACORN [check them online for your own state's contact info]; Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (also online;they do both counseling and can arrange low cost loans in some cases); and contact your own state government's housing deparftment, as many have similar state-supported programs.
Good luck and we'll talk again soon!

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