Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Return of Robosigning?

In a lawsuit filed in Federal Court in New York last week, it has been alleged that Wells Fargo, the nation's largest mortgage lender, has come up with something new in robosigning and related issues. The suit claims that the bank has assembled a 150 page manual for its attorneys detailing how to make it look as if a bank has signed over to Wells a mortgage, by autosigning documents related to the mortgage. According to the story run by the New York POST, which reviewed the suit and the alleged manual, the guide shows how endorsements and allonges can be added after the fact to documents from the mortgage when they previously weren't there. Wells, as would any defendant, disavows any wrongdoing. For more details, if you are a Wells borrower having problems with your mortgage, you can contact the attorney filing the suit. Her name is: Linda Tirelli, based in White Plains, NY. For reference, her web site is: . As always, good luck.

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